Tiger, Tiger

It is with lots of sadness – yet a distinct feeling of distance – that I’m reading about Tiger Woods and his unfaithfulness.

Why is it that all the great guys have to prove themselves by being unfaithful? I didn’t see his wedding video (though I hear some other videos might be available soon 😉 ) but I’m sure he promised – like we all do – to be faithful. Faithful is the basis of a relationship.

I also hear his wife said she cannot be bought or silenced with money. Good for her.

But I remain sad that my hero has feet of clay. Like Joost. Like many others.

Am I getting too cynical?

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2 Responses to “Tiger, Tiger”

  1. Philip says:

    No Leon you are definitely no being too cynical. 2009 has been filled with famous people and the secrets that they try so hard to keep. The question I ask myself is whether this is not the way it is suppose to be. Are all men suppose to cheat? Are all men suppose to form a smokescreen which they hide behind? Are all men suppose to hurt those that they supposedly care so much about? I am getting married this year to a wonderful lady whom I have dated for 7 years and I cannot think of anything better then to spend the rest of my life with her, to share my hopes and dreams with her. I made a decision 7 years ago to always be faithful to my lady and it was the most rewarding decision that I have ever made in my life, because knowing that I have made that decision is rewarding in its own way and that fulfilment will filter through our relationship and make the bond even stronger. Now to answer my own question – No not all men cheat and no not all men hurt those closes to them. We have limited time on this wonderful planet of ours and I intend to make every second count with the one I love.

    • uysadmin says:

      Hi Philip.

      Thank you for contributing your thoughts and your public statement of trust. For me, love equals commitment, it has always been like that. I learned it from my parents. I remember times when the going was hard, but they always affirmed their promise to each other: For better, or for worse.

      My life is moving on and I’m blessed with a wonderful woman in my life. She is awesome, patient, and is slowly teaching me what it means to be loved by a woman. My cynisism is somewhat aimed at the situations where one party is faithful, but the other party isn’t. I’m working on a blog entry about that.

      Which brings me to an announcement: I’m going to move the content of my blogs around a little. I had some time to think about what I should do and I think this entry (plus some others) should be moved to my LU blog. Some of those entries will come here, of course.

      Meanwhile, I want to leave the following message for you, in Afrikaans: “Wees goed vir mekaar”. Love like yours is precious and it is a special experience to share it with somebody who reciprocates.
