Archive for the Project Management Category

On The Way Out Maybe?

It is Monday morning, the beginning of a new week, and I have a few days off between projects which I use to catch up / read the news / ponder trends. So it strikes me: Is Project Management still the buzz it was 10 years ago, or is it fast becoming just another management […]


Keeping In Touch

When you are a project manager on the road, happiness is a working phone, any phone, just as long as you can stay in contact. And pictures of sites, problems, designs, notes or whatever is an essential piece of that communications puzzle. Cairo or Cape Town, just get the message through. I’ve been on Symbian […]


Is Consulting The Better Option

And then there was the story about the Consultant. A toothpaste factory had a problem: they sometimes shipped empty boxes, without the tube inside. This was due to the way the production line was set up, and people with experience in designing production lines will tell you how difficult it is to have everything happen […]


Jazz Up Your Business

“The best performers are the jazz types who move with ease in the different sectors of the economy.” So says Vuyo Jack in his article “Why business is like producing a musical show” (IOL 2/10/2011). He recalls an anecdote from his music production, where he depends on variously skilled players to come together and play […]