Archive for July, 2010

Outlook is not so Rosy

Suddenly my Outlook is not so Rosy, anymore. And that is the understatement of the Year. When I’m training and we get to the subject of software tools, the discussion often gravitates towards personal organisers. Which one is the best? Lotus Organizer has served me well since 1996 – yup! My entire life is captured […]


Never Assume

Oh my dear, every now and again (here is one on my other blog and here’s another) a silly joke arrives in my mailbox that teaches us a powerful Project Management Life Lesson. Here is today’s cutie: Never Assume. A young software engineer was leaving the office at 4:30 pm when he found the Manager […]


The Souks are Calling again

Lucky me! I’ve been writing about escaping the cold southern hemisphere winters to the warmer northern parts and this year summer is coming twice! Soon I’ll be fastening my seat belt in my favourite airline (in case you didn’t know, Emirates) and I’ll wing it to Dubai for a few days to lead the Effective […]


Now it is four

And so the time has come that a project manager has to juggle 4 things. It just doesn’t seem possible. Two dimensions we can handle easily. Three dimensions are within the grasp of the more experienced guys and gals. But four! I’m not alone here. More than a hundred years ago (in 1827) Möbius already […]